Chatbot: bridging the way to self-help

17th of August 2022

IDA Forsikring’s (English: IDA Insurance) Chatbot answers questions and automates appointment scheduling, thus accommodating different users' tech savviness and improving the service experience.

Like many insurance funds, IDA Forsikring experiences a high volume of inquiries from its members and at the same time wants to deliver extraordinary service. Therefore, IDA Forsikring has implemented SupWiz SupChat (live chat) and Chatbot to improve the member service experience as well as employee efficiency.  

Some users have a hard time finding the information they need from knowledge-based articles. SupWiz chatbot can easily help the users find the information they seek and solve simple issues themselves, increasing the self-service rates.

Did you know…


67% of online visitors prefer self-service over human contact.

70% of customers now expect a company’s website to offer a self-service application


From live chat data to effective chatbot

First IDA Forsikring implemented SupWiz SupChat to get insights into members’ conversations and understand frequently asked questions. Subsequently, the data was used as a starting point for the Chatbot providing IDA Forsikring’s members with the answers they seek. 

Mie Stattau, Team Manager at IDA Forsikring, elaborates:

After having the Chatbot online e.g., we don’t receive as many emails during the weekend as before. When coming to the office Monday morning we have a smaller backlog, as the chatbot takes the load of our agents.
— Mie Stattau, Team Manager at IDA Forsikring

Like SupWiz, IDA Forsikring has high standards always delivering high-quality service – also after opening hours – wherefore the installation of the SupWiz Chatbot helps the members help themselves.

Increase sales and improve support simultaneously

Members and non-members can often be online and browsing during off-hours – a time when you don’t have staff offering support or booking sales appointments. SupWiz’s Chatbot supports IDA by making it easier for members to schedule a call-meeting, automating the process. Simultaneously, potential new members can also receive the support they need to become users of IDA Forsikring. In that way the Chatbot not only answers questions but can also solve tasks by itself – a new proactive and efficient AI-colleague creating a more time-saving flow for agents, members and website visitors.

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About IDA Forsikring

IDA Forsikring is a trade union with over 140,000 members who are engineers, cand. scients and IT professionals. Read all about the organization, IDA's work, and attitudes and meet the employees here.

About SupWiz

SupWiz is an award-winning SaaS, delivering next-generation AI solutions to improve end-user service and support processes. Our omnichannel and modular solutions include chatbots, voicebots, emailbots, ticket classification & routing, real-time AI assistance for agents, knowledge search engine, and more.  

The solutions enhance existing support systems such as Zendesk, ServiceNow, TopDesk, Puzzel, and many more, improving end-user and agent satisfaction and increasing efficiency. Thousands of agents across different industries use SupWiz' AI solutions, benefiting millions of end-users in multiple languages. Our customers include several large public institutions (e.g., Tax Authorities, Hospitals, and Governmental units) and private organizations like DSV, NNIT,, TV 2, and many more.

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