Multilingual customers but limited support agents?

31th of August 2022

Improve customer service and support with a Chatbot or live chat that matches your end-users' language.

74% of consumers are more likely to continue buying from you if customer service is offered in their language.
— CSA Research,2020

Leading hosting company

Operates in 149 countries

1,4 million customers

300+ service agents

80 different integrations

Chat in 8 languages

∼ 1 million tickets per year

87% increased customer satisfaction

95% accuracy in identifying problems

Integration into Zendesk

Although simple, this improvement can be a challenge for support teams that only speak a few languages. That is why SupWiz has made it easy to offer multi-language support in chatbots, live chat, and all our solutions – whether it be high-quality automatic and real-time translations or fully customized ones.

SupWiz solutions are highly customizable at a company level to understand organization-specific language. It’s also possible to customize specific answers, business terms, and much more, depending on your company and your needs.

Extraordinary support made easy with automatic translations

The world’s largest air passenger rights advocate uses SupWiz SupChat to support its international customer base. They offer support in 16 languages, and when there are no agents available to support a specific language, SupChat helps translate queries automatically, hence offering extraordinary support without any extra burden for the agents.


Add languages hassle-free

SupWiz allows adding new languages with one click, with language-specific customizations, for example, support links that change for each language, or specific answers that vary based on language or location – all this while requiring minimal maintenance.

Get inspired by Vice President Customer Service at Tanja Hyttel below:

Which translation tool fits your company? Contact us today to learn more.

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