Use Microsoft Teams with SupWiz Chatbot

29th of April 2022

As many companies during Corona, the city of Copenhagen (CC), has also seen an increase in the usage of Microsoft Teams (Teams). Thus, it has become an ideal platform to locate their IT-support, among other platforms, to improve the availability of high-quality IT-support to their employees. Being the most populous municipality in Denmark they are now using SupWiz’ Chatbot together with Teams.

Availability & Accuracy with Chatbot in Teams

The Chatbot in Teams gives immediate responses at any hour of the day and ensures accurate answers to several questions from the employees and otherwise transfers the enquiry to a supporter in SupWiz Supchat (live chat). The connection between Chatbot and Teams is one out of multiple initiatives that CC has started to improve the availability of IT support. Enabled by these efforts CC has seen a tenfold increase in traffic on the chat channel.

Benedikte Finken, Product Owner in CC, explains how the Microsoft Teams integration helps the users:

The integration with SupWiz Chatbot into Microsoft Teams has increased the availability of our IT support and made it easier for our employees to get the help they need – whenever they need it.
— Benedikte Finken, Product Owner in Copenhagen Municipality

Helping the employees, helps the citizens 

In the end, an efficient and available IT-support allows more ease and time to help the citizens. Thus, the Chatbot creates value to both the employees and citizens of Copenhagen.

The Chatbot is now an integral part of the daily operations and select supporters encountering the different IT challenges every day have the capabilities and opportunity to update Chatbot answers themselves when needed.

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About Copenhagen Municipality

The City of Copenhagen, also known as the Municipality of Copenhagen, is the most populous municipality in Denmark with a population of 643,613 inhabitants and covers 86,4 square kilometers in area. The City of Copenhagen along with Dragør, Frederiksberg and Tårnby being a part of Copenhagen Municipality are located at the Zealand in Denmark.

About SupWiz 

SupWiz delivers a next generation AI platform for customer service and support. This includes chatbots, email bots, ticket routing & automation, knowledge article matching, and much more.  

The solution for example enhances existing systems such as Zendesk, Remedy and ServiceNow with advanced AI improving both customer and agent satisfaction. SupWiz’ AI platform is today used by thousands of agents benefiting millions of end-users and our customers include NNIT,, ATP, Copenhagen Municipality, and many more. 

In 2019 SupWiz was awarded the most prestigious innovation award by the Minister of Science and Higher Education for perhaps the world’s best chatbot. 

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