AI and bread?

2nd of May 2023

At the beginning of 2023, SupWiz CEO & Co-founder was invited by the famous podcast duo consisting of the independent top economist Andreas Steno and geopolitical strategist Mikkel Rosenvold to present his point of view in their podcast Milliardærklubben (Eng. The Billionaire Club).

The episode’s topic revolved around the expressed concerns about AI and its effect on the labour market. But if you ask Stephen Alstrup, an algorithm professor and advisor for the Danish Data Protection Agency, there is no need to worry due to human innovativeness.

Humans have the creativity to come up with new ideas and tasks.
— Stephen Alstrup, SupWiz CEO & Co-founder

You can listen to the podcast exclusively on Podimo, so log in to your account and listen here: “AI & ChatGPT: Skal vi allesammen være psykologer I 2040?” from the 20th of January, where bread and bakers are used as a metaphor for AI and the labour market, and learn how AI is used today and how AI will be a part of the labor market of the future creating new tasks and job positions.

What is Milliardærklubben?

Milliardærklubben (Eng. The Billionaire Club) is a well-acknowledges Danish podcast created by the independent top economist Andreas Steno and geopolitical strategist Mikkel Rosenvold will provide analyses on different topics.

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