The SupWiz chatbot wins NNIT’s innovation award

20th of December 2019

The chatbot solution SupWiz has implemented at NNIT has been honored with an award.

In NNIT there is an innovation award that is granted to highlight new, innovative initiatives inside the organization. This year NNIT’s SupWiz chatbot received the award shortly after being implemented.

We asked Associate Vice President in NNIT, Jakob Sassersen, about the award and the selection of the chatbot:

“As a part of NNIT’s Next Generation Service Desk, the SupWiz chatbot has won NNIT’s internal innovation award. The award is given to initiatives that through technology makes NNIT more effective or increases service quality. Rolling out an internal chatbot for NNIT’s IT support is the first step on a journey towards offering chatbot solutions to all NNIT’s customers around the world, and the first feedback has been extremely positive.”

- Jakob Sassersen, Associate Vice President, NNIT

NNIT has been working with the SupWiz Ticket Analyzer for a while, with which the organization has created great results. Implementing a SupWiz chatbot in the organization was the next step that was taken this fall. Receiving the innovation award so shortly after implementation is a testimony to the chatbot’s ability to deliver high performance from day one after implementation.

We are honored by the recognition and are looking forward to expanding our chatbot collaboration with NNIT.
