Executive VP of EU Commission and CEO of SupWiz in AI reportage

9th of December 2019

SupWiz CEO Stephen Alstrup and Executive Vice President of the European Commission Margrethe Vestager

Regarding the establishment of the new European Commission (EC) the 1st of December, DR made a reportage where SupWiz is presented as a frontrunner example of AI in Denmark. Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President in EC and Stephen Alstrup, CEO of SupWiz, shared their perspectives on the future of AI in Europe.

European Commission

The 100-day AI Plan

Margrethe Vestager is looking into a huge, but very interesting task; within 100 days, she must come up with a plan on how to get Europe in the front line of AI. The plan should speed up Europe on investing, educating and using AI to create value for people, society and environment.

Foto: EU Commission

Foto: EU Commission

It is going to be a major task. The task is to invest, educate and expand AI – we must increase our ambitions, we don’t use AI enough. With AI we can get better health care, faster transport from a to b, less pollution and so on - the opportunities are limitless. We should not only be customers of AI, but the developers” – says Margrethe Vestager in the DR reportage.

Europe is ready to push the AI-button

Stephen Alstrup added his perspective on the AI task EU is looking at, with:

SupWiz CEO Stephen Alstrup

Today, 50% of human tasks can be taken over by machines, the machines are actually doing better than humans on many areas. Europe has all the ingredients needed to get in front line with AI; we have more high educated people within the field and much more data – we have everything needed, we just need to push the AI-button to use our potential

According to Margrethe Vestager, the 100-day plan should enable Europe to push the AI-button, thus in 5 years we will see changes by people trusting AI, educating in AI and investing in AI.