Proactive livechat and streamlined integration

FOAs A-kasse, which is part of the trade union FOA with its 169.000 members, switched to SupWiz livechat, SupChat, to accommodate their members on one of their preferred channels. A frictionless transition, enabling a more proactive service.

Part of trade union with 169.000 members

Launched in 3 weeks

Proactive service

Personalized responses

SupWiz AI solutions at FOAs a-kasse





FOAs A-kasse & SupWiz Stories

We can easily identify trends in members’ queries in SupChat, which gives agents the opportunity to practice a more proactive approach! Because if several different members turn to us with the same issue, we know where to focus and take action.
— Mette Wiederholt Pedersen, Web Consultant at FOAs A-kasse
Members don’t have to wait in phone queue or call if they don’t want to. With SupChat I can easily insert a link, giving the accurate answer, and send it to members, so they get a response right away.
— Sabine Schwarts Jensen, Case Worker at FOAs A-kasse

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