SupWiz CEO gets three papers accepted at top AI conference

11th of June 2020

Stephen Alstrup, his two PhD students Casper Hansen and Christian Hansen, and colleagues at the University of Copenhagen have got three research papers accepted at the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval.

ACM SIGIR is an annual, international forum for the presentation and demonstration of new research, systems, and techniques in information retrieval, which includes topics such as AI and machine learning. This year, SupWiz CEO Stephen Alstrup is involved in three research papers accepted at the conference.

Stephen says:


“Having not just one or two, but three papers accepted at ACM SIGIR is a great achievement. This is yet another incredible result from my two Ph.D. students Casper Hansen and Christian Hansen, and great colleagues Birger Larsen, Christina Lioma, and Jakob Grue Simonsen.”

The 43rd ACM SIGIR will be held online. The conference has received a record-high number of paper submissions. This fierce competition makes it an even bigger feat that Stephen, his Ph.D. students, and colleagues have had three papers accepted.

The titles of the three research papers are:

  • Unsupervised Semantic Hashing with Pairwise Reconstruction

  • Factuality Checking in News Headlines with Eye Tracking

  • Content-aware Neural Hashing for Cold-start Recommendation

Learn more about the 2020 ACM SIGIR conference here.