Gender equality: Debate with MP Halime Oguz at SupWiz

13th of October 2020

Women quotas and earmarked paternity leave – can we regulate our way into more equality at the workplace? This was the main theme at SupWiz’ inspirational talk and debate with Halime Oguz

Member of Parliament Halime Oguz (SF) visited the SupWiz HQ as speaker on the theme “how do we get more equality in male-dominated professions?”.

The talk was kicked off with Halime stating the fact that:

  • Only 25,8% of all positions in the IT industry is occupied by women.

  • But in companies with more diversity in management, the turnover is 19% higher.

Why is it then that fewer women study IT and hence work in IT?

SupWiz CEO Stephen Alstrup and MP Halime Oguz (SF)

SupWiz CEO Stephen Alstrup and MP Halime Oguz (SF)

Halime argued that the reasons are to be found in the very early childhood years where we are formed by different expectations to different genders.

Therefore, making a change is a matter of changing culture. Participants in the audience argued that making this cultural change without regulation is simply too slow – we need initiatives like e.g. women quotas.

The effectiveness of quotas and other initiatives like earmarked paternity leave were enthusiastically discussed by participants with Halime, who herself is not immediately pro-quotas, but very curious to get input from the participants to bring to parliament.

“The debate kept going after end of the event and the next day at the office – which we believe is a sign of success. We are excited to follow up on the great discussions and continue to draw attention to the topic with similar events in the future.”

- Stephen Alstrup, CEO at SupWiz

We would like to thank Halime Oguz for visiting and help us put gender equality on the agenda.

Do you want to join SupWiz’ next evening of inspiration? Keep an eye on our event site, where we post all upcoming events.

Below are some more photos from the evening of inspiration with Halime.

Halime Oguz speaking at SupWiz
Curious audience in debate with Halime Oguz at SupWiz
Halime Oguz speaking at SupWiz

About SupWiz

SupWiz delivers a next generation AI platform for customer service and support. This includes chatbots, email bots, ticket analyzer, knowledge article matching, and much more.

The solution for example enhances existing systems such as Zendesk, BMC Remedy and ServiceNow with advanced AI that improves both customer and agent satisfaction. SupWiz’ AI platform is today used by thousands of agents benefiting millions of end users and customers include NNIT,, ATP, Stofa, and many more.

In 2019 SupWiz was awarded the most prestigious innovation award by the Minister of Science and Higher Education for perhaps the world’s best chatbot.